Zurich to Bad Ragas – Lichtenstein Vaduz (Far far away)
Leaving Zurich early we were quickly surprised to hit a 25% climb, this caused front wheel of bike to lift when you pressed on cranks – requiring you to hang over the front. Simon dropped out of his cleat and had to return to the bottom as you could not start halfway up, I managed to hold onto a post to restart the climb.
After 150m the climb reduced to 13% for another 200 metres. We crossed over a number valleys following some wonderful lakes, bike paths running in vertical rock faces.
We had lunch on the edge of a large lake before we continued to Bad Ragas to complete the days ride.
Feeling lively we decided to cycle the additional 15 miles to Lichtenstein and rejoined the Rhine, on arrival in Vardus we realised it was really “Far Far Away”, even had a little pretend train for a bus driving down the street!.

Second half of climb our of Zurich (starting at 25%)

Top of hill after 300 metre climb

Crossing into next valley towards Bad Ragas

Lake Walansee

Side of Lake Walansee (cycle path cut into rock face)

Simon at end of Ride in Bad Ragas